There was a time when I didn’t know my worth, actually it wasn’t too long ago; but thankfully God stepped in and showed me just how valuable I am. I used to look for validation in relationships, people and things. Anytime a relationship would end, I would feel empty and lost again. I also put up with ill treatment, stayed in jobs that weren’t for me much longer than I should have, and wasted a lot of time. Once I started to realize my value, my whole life changed. There are quite a few things that will start happening to you the moment you realize your worth.
Here are 7 of them:
- You will waste less time: Once I realized my worth I was able to fully see my potential and embrace that. When I didn’t know my worth I suffered with indecision and going back and forth. I didn’t trust myself to make the right decisions and I couldn’t hear God’s voice due to all the noise and stubbornness. Once I realized that I was more than enough and deserved love, to be happy, and a purpose filled life I was able to waste less time on people or things that weren’t on my level or helping me grow. I was able to see red flags in all areas of my life quicker and exit quicker. I was also able to see opportunities and go after them due to my sense of self-worth.
- You will let go of things and people who no longer serve you (And you won’t feel bad about it): Growing up I always had problems letting go of things and people that no longer served me. It is why I stayed in a terrible relationship on and off for years when I wasn’t being treated right. It is why I stayed at jobs that I felt were no longer fulfilling me, or accepted jobs that didn’t pay enough etc. There were times when I would walk away from someone or something and I felt bad about it. I would go back and forth in my mind instead of being content with my decision. (In fact I am still a work in progress – I have a big heart and still deal with this from time to time, but it is my self-worth and God that truly helps me get back on track) Once I realized my worth I was able to walk away easier from bad relationships and not look back. I was able to quit jobs and seek out higher pay because I knew I had the experience and was worth it. I was able to let go of the things that weren’t helping me grow to give room for bigger and better things. When you hold onto things or people who no longer serve you, you leave no room for the things that do. Let it go. I know it is hard, but I promise you there is better waiting for you if you would just make space for it.
- You will learn to say NO and put yourself first: A part of knowing your worth is being able to put yourself first and learning the power of NO. Are you a Yes Girl? I used to be a yes girl. I would say yes to everyone but me. I would do favors for people left and right but would forget to take care of Leslie first. I would make excuses in order to say NO, instead of simply saying NO, because I just didn’t want to. When you realize your worth you will learn the importance of self-care and put yourself first. “You cannot pour from an empty cup.”
- You will stop apologizing for being yourself: When I didn’t know my worth I would say sorry all the time. Even when I had done nothing wrong. People would hurt me and I would say sorry. Crazyy right!! Well once I gained more confidence and realized my worth I stopped saying sorry as much. I stood up for myself more and stopped feeling sorry for being myself.
- You will be empowered and experience more blessings: Knowing your worth will empower you. You will be motivated and inspired to take action and go after your goals. With knowing your worth comes confidence and confidence gives you the strength and courage to take risks, get your mind right, make moves and live life on your terms.
- You will stop being a victim: There was a time when I had a “woe is me philosophy.” I was negative and I felt sorry for myself. I played victim but could not see my own fault in a situation, and that kept me stuck. Once I realized that no one could continually treat me poorly without my permission I took responsibility for my part in failed relationships, and experiences and made a vow to work on myself and to walk away from destructive situations. You have the power to walk away and into your destiny. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, take note of your mistakes, learn from them and do not dwell, take action and make better decisions.
- You will love yourself unapologetically: Realizing just how awesome you are will teach you how to love yourself flaws and all. It will teach you how to embrace who you are despite outside opinions and walk in confidence and own it. Once you love yourself unapologetically you won’t accept people who don’t treat you as good as you treat yourself.
It is natural to have days when you feel down, etc but self-worth is what will help you to not stay there. If you want to start realizing your worth and be empowered sign-up for my Free 3 day Confidence and Empowerment email course. You can also sign-up for my free newsletter so you can get free weekly motivations, advice and more.
Be Empowered, Be Confident, Be Yourself
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