Lately I have been feeling unmotivated and stuck. It is a place that I never like to be in. Usually, feeling stuck leads to me procrastinating and not doing the things I need to do. Whenever I start to feel this way there are a few things I do to get out of my funk. Have you ever felt stuck? Are you feeling stuck right now? Well this blog post is for you.
- Change up your routine and your surroundings – Whenever I start to feel unmotivated or even down I go for a walk outside or even a drive. You would be surprised at how much a little sun can affect your mood. Sometimes just being out in public, changing up your driving route, or doing something different from your actual norm can inspire you into action. If you are feeling stuck I challenge you to go outside or go somewhere you have not been even if just for a few minutes.
- Journal – I have a journal app that I use on my phone but will be creating my own journal for you guys that I plan on using myself in the coming weeks, as I love actually writing things down physically. I am a huge advocate of journaling your thoughts because this can help you figure out why you are stuck and what your exact feelings are. For me journaling is a form of therapy. Sometimes when I am angry, or sad, or just stuck I start writing and by the time I am done writing my creative juices are flowing and I am ready to take on the world.
- Do It Anyway – Sometimes I will force myself to go see friends or to even finish that blog post, or task I have been putting off; and you know what I always feel better for doing so. Once I am around positive energy or feel like I am actually being productive then I actually feel motivated to be more productive, positive and active.
- Surround yourself with people who motivate you – When I was a kid my father used to always tell me that you are the company you keep so choose your friends wisely. It is because of this awesome advice that I have awesome friends who are not only supportive and uplifting, but who are all go-getters. All of my friends move in excellence and when I am around them or see them making strides it truly inspires me to do the same. Your friends are there for you when you win or lose and they are the ones who will try to encourage you to keep going even when the going gets tough or if you feel stuck. The power of positive influence is real y’all.
- Watch and listen to motivational messages or sermons (or even something funny to get you out of your funk) – When I start to feel stuck or unmotivated I take a breather and watch motivational messages from my Pastor, or other awesome motivational speakers; and you know what? After I watch or listen to these messages or sermons I feel like I’m on fire. It reignites a fire in me and I get motivated again. Sometimes I will watch a funny video, or a funny Kevin Hart sketch (because he cracks me up) and I loveee to laugh. You do know that every time you smile it adds 5 seconds to your life! After I start laughing I am in a better mood and ready to get back on track to achieving my goals and living a life of purpose.
I hope this blog post was helpful to you as I feel like this is something a lot of us go through. I was feeling stuck before I wrote this blog post but now after finishing it I feel more motivated than ever. We all have our days when we can feel stuck, so do not feel like you are in this alone, because you are not. If you want to get unstuck and gain more confidence and shed self-doubt, take my free email course by signing up here.
Thanks for reading!
– Coach Leslie
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